The show “Luceros Arte Flamenco Group dance Toninho Ferragutti” presents the vibrant result of the encounter of the Luceros Group with the musician and composer Toninho Ferragutti, tracing the route traveled between traditional flamenco dance and the Brazilaness expression of its components, in a dialogue that uncovers new creative perspectives and ally the flamenco dance to several artistic tendencies.
It’s Flamenco expressed with a large originality, with a good, light, simple Brazilian pinch, but very engaging and original, above all .
This show was created in 2009 and participated in the Cultural Circuit of the Secretary of Culture of the State of São Paulo. Until nowadays, wherever it’s presented, it leaves a mark in the audience that is left surprised with the vibration and harmony between music and dance.
The show allows a creative and original reinterpretation of the Flamenco dance, proposing that the strong and passionate beat of this dance, its tapping, the hips, hands and arms movements meet the Brazilian rhythms, seasoned with a little joy and sadness, melancholy and euphoria, on the musical score created with exclusivity by the composer.
The outfits, the choreography and the music allow the Flamenco Dance to continue in another context. On the stage are the bailaores with their skirts, ruffles, flowers, shoes, boots, fangs and castanets which dance melodies that mix tango with the Arabian percussion of the Flamenco, the clarinet of the ‘choro’, the accordion with the ‘xotes’, ‘maracatus’, baiões’ and ‘forrós’.
Alessandra Kalaf
André Pimentel
Priscila Grassi
Toninho Ferragutti – accordion
Alexandre Ribeiro – clarinet
Roberto Angerosa – percussion
Zé Alexandre Carvalho – bass